The first known arrival of a Dinning in South Australia (so far):
Thomas Dinning aboard the ship Eliza, 912 tons, Captain Thomas Pain, from London & Plymouth 11th May 1849, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 23rd August 1849. Source:
The Ships List
John Williams Dinning b 1838
Quote from Reunion of the Descendants of the late John Williams Dinning. "J.W.D. as he will be referred to throughout this book, migrated to Australia from England as a young teenager and without doubt, a big heart in a big country. There is no clear understanding of his early life in Australia. Some of his descendants have a theory that two brothers worked their passage out from England to Melbourne, meeting up with an aunt or uncle. From there it is reported the two brothers parted, one travelling and the other J.W.D. travelling west. Extensive research has been undertaken to trace his early movements in Victoria and that of his first marriage, but to date there is little to report. It is known that his first wife was named Celia and there was one
daughter and two sons from that marriage, the youngest son, Henry, being born near Portland, Victoria. Soon after this, to his great sorrow his first wife passed away leaving him with a young family. J.W.D. then moved to South Australia and in 1872 he married Mary Ann Lamb. It is stated on the marriage certificate that the wedding was conducted in the Glenroy area, but it's not certain whether this means the Hundred of Glenroy which includes a large portion of Padthaway Station or an area south of Naracoorte, known as Glenroy. It is considered the most likely place of marrfiage was near Padthaway for he lived and worked there for a number of years and this was also where some of his second family were born." Source: Reunion of the Descendants of the late John Williams Dinning. Compiled by H Henry Dinning. Printed by Murray Mallee Printing Services. 1980