Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Winter Is On The Way

I spent Sunday at home, tending to the wood fire in the kitchen stove, stirring the soup on the stove and enjoying the smell of freshly baking bread in the breadmaker.
All that and listening to the rain on the roof, and the rainwater tank overflowing.

There was very little happening in the garden for me, but it seems like there of plenty of action going on there.

The little broad bean plants seem to have grown a couple centimetres overnight, the peas have started to cling onto their framework by their tendrils and everything looks damp and clean.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

In The Garden Part 2

Since the previous post there has been a lot happening in the garden, and that's why there haven't been too many additions to this blog. The additions have been happening in the garden.

And the work that takes me away from messing around in the garden has started to come in with last week using up 4 days. With beautiful weather for pottering around too. Oh well at least those plants already started had some time to establish.

I must get around to some more photos and a list of what's been added.